Monday, May 3, 2010

Last wheel turn

The last move we learned:

Last grapevine

Here's the transition from the turn to the last grapevine:

And here's exactly how to do the last grapevine:

Final Section

Here is everything else we learned:

The Point
Point to the audience on 1. Pop your right shoulder on 3 and 4.

The Leg Roll

The Turn

Large Circle

After the reveal, you have 12 counts to get into a large circle -- not a U, a circle -- with everyone facing out. On count 5, straighten up tall with your hands in the air and then drop to a crouch. This is just like you did when you were in the U.

Here's a video of what happens next:

- Stay crouching and sweep your arm and leg around to get into crab position. Now, where everyone WAS facing out from the circle, you are NOW facing counterclockwise.
- After 16 counts, lift your left leg straight up in the air and then cross it over the right leg.
- Immediately, the ripple starts. You take your left arm over and rotate to the right. It looks harder than it is.

The Big Reveal

The big reveal! Your triangle has formed a line front to back, with a girl at the back. Now here's what happens:

The Breakdown:
Counts 1-4: The 5 front people take four counts to lunge out to the side, revealing the girl at the back, who goes up high and makes a cute pose. Ta-dah! (Girl at back: Get into that pose by count 2, so the audience has something to look at)
Counts 5-6: The 2 people in front do a death drop to the side. That's a sudden drop to push-up position. The 3 people behind them bring their lunge in, more towards the center of the line. This should look like, "Whoa, did they just do that??" The last girl also comes down from her pose. All of the attention here should be on the death drop.
Counts 7-8: The 2 people in front stay in the same push-up position. Everyone behind them brings their audience arm around and drops down to a squat.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

We Are Family - April 30th Rehearsal

Thanks to all who came to the dance rehearsal this weekend!

Here's the first part of what we learned. It picks up from the grapevine after you have left the big U (see the previous posts).

We learned through the "King Tut" move at our last rehearsal. That's the hand movements back to back. Then comes the new stuff:

After you squat down on counts 7 and 8, you crank up on counts 1 and 3. Bring your audience hand (the one closest to the front) up to an invisible surface at the level of your knees, and then it looks like you push up your body from that invisible surface. Then bring the hand up higher and do it again.

On counts 5-8, the 3 couples that formed a triangle (remember your triangles?) form a straight line front to back. Put a girl at the back.